Science City Ahmedabad Opening Timings Closing Time Details
Science City Ahmedabad is very famous Place and there are many people to visit this place and much other visit part including this science city. Science City museum Ahmedabad can be visited any time of the year. It's a grand place to bring kids to, for the system here are simple and help them understand the necessary concepts of science in a fun, playful way.
Science City Ahmedabad Timings for Opening
It is open in the morning, afternoon and evening.
Science City Ahmedabad Schedule
Open Days of the Week
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Science City Open all Days of the Week.
Science City Ahmedabad Opening Timings
Science City Ahmedabad Opening Timings is 10:30AM
Science City Ahmedabad Closing Timings
Science City Ahmedabad Closing Timings is 07:30PM
Science City will provide the most beautiful nighttime entertainment. The water effects move or dance with music and interpret each harmony in synchronization with light and sound whether fast or slow.
Imax Theater is very Wonderful Theater and any other part to visit in this Science City. The theatre would screen 3-D and 2-D educational Movies for children in the morning hours and entertainment Movies for family viewers in the evenings and weekends.
Science City Ahmedabad IMAX Shows Timings at the IMAX Theatre start at 2:30 pm and the last show is at 7:30 pm.