NriGujarati.Co.In is The Official ONLINE MEDIA PARTNER of LION OF GUJARAT 2015 Hindi Movie
Lion of Gujarat Movie is presented by APPU FILMS. The Movie Lion of Gujarat will be Release in Hindi. Lion of Gujarat Movie is directed by Dinesh Lamba. LION OF GUJARAT Movie, you will see mind blowing action scenes captured from different location across Gujarat and Rest of the Part in India.

NriGujarati.Co.In is The Official “Online Media Partner” of Lion Of Gujarat Hindi Movie 2015.Lion of Gujarat is a Upcoming Hindi Movie Releasing on 26 June 2015. Lion of Gujarat Upcoming Hindi Movie Media partner is (Web Portal).

New LION OF GUJARAT Hindi Movie Released Date: 26 June 2015
There are lots of Gujarati Movies are coming out now and then but due to various factors, still they are fail to attract considerable audience and hence, HINDI MOVIES, BOLLYWOOD FILMS shooting in Gujarat can only give maximum exposure across India and Abroad.
Lion of Gujarat, thus the director Dinesh Lamba says will be released in Hindi across Various Theatres. The Film will be in Hindi Presented by Appu Films. Director Dinesh Lamba is playing a Lead Role for Lion of Gujarat Film. Lion of Gujarat Hindi Movie Story is about Bravery.
This is the great chance and lovely effort to Promote Gujarat Tourism through LIVE Historical and Special places in Hindi Movie.
Lion of Gujarat Hindi Movie 2015 Official media partner is NriGujarati.Co.In…
Don’t Miss to Watch Lion of Gujarat Hindi Movie, titled as Lion of Gujarat. Lion is a Pride of Gujarat. That’s why It is Very Special for Gujarati People.
Look at the well known Medias logos at end of LION OF GUJARAT POSTER, active in advertising from channels like RADIO, TV, WEB, DIGITAL, HOARDING etc… |