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Home » Nalsafari Resort in Ahamdabad

Nalsafari Resort in AhamdabadVisited : 7740 
Nalsafari Resort in Ahamdabad
Products :Recreation @ Club House, Picnic Packages, Membership Packages
Contact Address : B/h. Mondeal Park, Opp. Rajvi Pearl Nr. Gurudwara, S.G.Highway, Ahmedabad,Gujarat
Phone : 079 – 4900 3900 Cell : 98250 39867
Email : rituraj_mehta@hotmail.com     Website : http://nalsafari.com
Company Profile : Rituraj Organisers Pvt Ltd. was incorporated in 1996. Since then the company is engaged into various types of construction activities. It has executed many projects like commercial buildings, residential apartments, industrial sheds, plotted developments, bungalows, resort, etc.

Vision & Mission
Rituraj Group of Companies is committed to set new livingstyle by providing world’s latest and innovative interiors & exteriors keeping intact the Indian culture and traditions. Rituraj believes that every building is an extension of the builder’s vision and personality. After completing three weekend home projects the group now specializes in this sector of giving the best possible get away places where in there are worldclass amenities and best creativity. The companys vision is to create structures which would give enjoyment and best investment returns to its valued customers.

Rituraj group of companies have been led by its dynamic Chairman Mr. Rituraj Mehta. Although being a Commerce graduate and having a renowned family background with an ancestral running cloth business, Rituraj decided to diversify. His craving to create new buildings led him to the construction business.
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