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Gopi Talao in Surat Gujarat India - Mosques Nav Sa'id Masjid in Surat
The name of Gopi Talav lake is after Gopi. The step-well constructed at Gopi Talao in Gopipura region of Surat city in the eighteenth century is a noteworthy heritage structure, consistent with the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI).

This is a quadrangular step-well (vav) made of Dhrangadhra sand stones, the main of its thoughtful in south Gujarat. The step-well, having 25 steps, is a 35 square meter structure and 15 meter profound while Gopi Talav in Surat is 12 meter profound with a 212 meter measurement.

This Gopipura vav was constructed by Mir Alamsha Binkhan in 1718. He was a associate of Haider Kun Khan, who was Surat representative from 1715 to 1718. Haider began building the fortress crosswise over Surat city reputed to be Alampanah Fort.

How to reach, Gopi Talava and Navy Said Masjid

By Road: Surat lies 234 km from Ahmedabad, 131km from Vadodara, and 297 km from Mumbai. Bus stations, both ST and private, are on the eastern edge of the city.

By Rail: Train stations are also on the eastern edge of the city.

Alamsha took a percentage of the stones implied for the fortress and had the step well assembled outside Navsari Bazar at Gopipura lake. This is the major step well in this area that has steps to go down from each of the four sides.

The inside of the step-well is specially less as far as temperature and is in this manner truly cool as contrasted with the outer surface of the well. The temple has been made with correct and accurate measurements which makes it an architectural wonder in particular these regions of the state.

Navy Said Masjid is nice mosques in Surat. Nav Sa'id Masjid is one of the four principle mosques, in addition to Sayyid Idris Mosque, Khudawand Masjid and Khwaja Diwan Sahi mosques in the region. People go to pray there in great numbers.

Main Category : Gujarat City News
Sub Category : Surat City News
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Gopi Talao in Surat Gujarat India - Mosques Nav Sa'id Masjid in Surat
Gopi Talao in Surat Gujarat India - Mosques Nav Sa'id Masjid in Surat, Gopi Talao, Gopi Talav, Gopipura Vav in Surat, Navy Said Masjid, Gopi Talao in Surat Gujarat India, Gopi Talab, Gopipura, Gopipura Vav, Gopipura in Surat, Gopi Talava and Navy Said Masjid, Gopi Talao near Surat, Gopi Talab Gujarat India, Navy Said Masjid in Surat Gujarat India, Gopi Talao near Surat Gujarat, Gopipura lake, Mosques in Surat
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