Shantidham Jain Temple in Valsad Gujarat - Address of Shantidham Jain Tirth
Shantidham Jain Temple is an only one of the beautiful in Valsad. Valsad City is a very popular and nice place to all tourists to visit this city. Shantidham Jain Temple is located in the picturesque coastal village of Tithal valsad. Famous Shantidham jain temple is just 4 km from Tithal Beach Valsad.
Shantidham jain temple have been established under the inspiration guidance and blessing of Jain guru Rev. Shri Jinchandraji Maharaj. This jain temple is organised by “Shantidham Aradhana kendra”. Shantidham Jain Temple present is very fine and big "Pratima".
Shantidham Jain Temple Address
Address--------------Valsad 396006, Gujarat India
How to Reach Shantidham Jain Temple Valsad?
Shantidham Jain Temple is just 68.14 km from center of Ring Road Valsad India.
People can Visit any day and time to this Jain Derasar. Jain Temple Opening Time is very earlier so people can visit very earlier time.
Distance between Ahmedabad to Valsad?
Ahmedabad to Valsad distance around 4hours and 32 Mins and depending on traffic condition People can reach very soon at Ahmedaabd to Valsad.
Shantidham Jain Temple is a great place to visit. Valsad Jain Temple is very big Jain Tirth in Gujarat. Shantidham Jain Temple is one of good religious place to visit in Valsad. There are Many Jain People to Visit this Shantidham Jain Temple.