Road Distance between Vadodara to Halol in Gujarat
Halol is a city and a municipality in Panchmahal district in the Indian state of Gujarat. There are many famous places for watch around halol city.
Halol Nagar Palika is very famous widen services such as regular water supply, functional street electricity, functional city roads, issuing birth certificates, death certificates, marriage registration certificates, emergency response for fire fighting and ambulance services etc
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What is Distance Between Vadodara to Halol ??
Distance Between Vadodara to Halol around 42 kms. Your Travel time around 49 mins; which may be depending upon the traffic Condition.
The distance between Vadodara to Halol is considered based on their longitudes & latitudes. Halol and the nearby city of Kalol are known as a Special Economic Zone (SEZ).
There are many large companies are located here including Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd, HNG Float Glass, General Motors, Mekaster Engineering Ltd, Nagarjuna Fertilizers and Chemicals Ltd.Integra Hindustan Control Ltd, SETCO Automotive.
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