KICK the Bollywood Hindi upcoming movie the most awaited by Salman Khan and Jacqueline Fernandez directed and produced by Sajid Nadiyadwala. KICK is one of the thriller and comedy movies of 2014. Salman Khan the thriller special acting hero is the most awaiting for his fans.
This thriller comedy movie is going to release on July 25, 2014. The awesome songs and the lyrics make people more eager to watch this movie. There are many famous cinemas in Ahmedabad with high ticket price. KICK is thriller movie can watch in evening with lots of enjoyment.
You can check Names/List of Cinemas in Ahmedabad, where you can watch the movie KICK
Big Cinemas - Ahmedabad (Himalaya Mall, Drive-in Road)
City Gold - Ahmedabad (Ashram Road Branch)
Wide Angle – Ahmedabad (Sarkhej Gandhinagar Highway)
Morning Show Timing would be really nice and cheaper for Students to watch the Bollywood film KICK with their friends, group, girlfriend, boyfriend and relatives. Every movie of salman khan is much hit, it’s expected that this movie may break all the prevision box office collection record in upcoming days.