Happy birthday Ahmedabad ... Today of 604th Anniversary
Ahmedabad Municipal is 604 years old today. On February 26, Our Lovely Ahmadabad City has completed 604 years today. Ahmedabad is the biggest city in the Gujarat.
Ahmedabad Birthday Date : 26th February
Ahmedabad city which was founded by Ahmed Shah in 1411. Ahmedabad is 604 year old city which is also the fifth largest in the country. Established in 1411, the 604th anniversary of the Ahmedabad city's historic metropolis.
Happy Birthday Ahmedabad ….. Smart City considered which was formerly known askarnavati city's 604th anniversary
On Wednesday, 26th February 2015, Ahmedabad city celebrated its 604th birthday. The city changed the terminology to love the city, between yesterday and today both are the same. Happy Birthday Ahmedabad.
Happy Birthday Ahmadabad..........!!!