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Tapovan Temple Vadodara - Address of Tapovan Mandir Baroda Gujarat

Tapovan Temple Vadodara - Address of Tapovan Mandir Baroda Gujarat

Tapovan Temple is one of the best and famous Mandir(Temple) in Vadodara. Tapovan Temple is located at Petrochemical Township, Undera in Vadodara. Tapovan Mandir is a departure from traditional temple architecture.

Tapovan is a Beautiful temple complex built by Indian Oil Corporation and now maintained by Reliance Petrochemical Industries. You can feel peace and happy after your visit to this temple. There is gaushala at back side . Lawns are lush and green very well maintained. Housekeeping is par excellence.

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Tapovan Temple in Vadodara is consisting of all Gods and Goddesses of Indian Culture along with God Karthik, Balaji & Nav-graha (Nine planets) Temple with a Meditation Hall.  This Mandir architecture is a unique one and its ceilings are designed with perfect color combinations which are a delight to see it.


Address of Tapovan Temple Vadodara

Refinery Road, Petrochemical Township, Undera, Vadodara, Gujarat 391330


Temples in Gujarat   -   Tourist Destination in Vadodara 

The ceilings of Tapovan temple are decorated with paintings of Gods & temples outside ramparts & tops have statues of various Gods depicted so well that it seems that they are all real. Famous Temple Tapovan  Vadodara is very big and attractive place to visit with your family or a short trip.

Tapovan Temple is one of the most famous and the best tourist attractions in Vadodara of Gujarat State.

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Tapovan Temple Vadodara - Address of Tapovan Mandir Baroda Gujarat
Tapovan Temple Vadodara - Address of Tapovan Mandir Baroda Gujarat, Tapovan Temple Vadodara, Tapovan Temple Undera Vadodara, Tapovan Temple Baroda, Tapovan Mandir Vadodara, Tapovan Mandir Vadodara Gujarat, Vadodara Tapovan Temple, Tapovan Temple Vadodara Address
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