Bhoomi Pujanvidhi Invitation at Shree Annapurna Dham Adalaj near Gandhinagar
Shree Annapurna Dham is one of the worlds famous “Panch Tatva Temple” at Adalaj Gujarat India. Shree Annapurna Dham Trust has cordially invited everyone for Shree Annapurna Dham Temple, Shilanyas Vidhi and Girls School / Hostel Bhumi Pujan at Shri Annapurnadham Adalaj on 22th June, 2015 near Gandhinagar Gujarat. The land for the Shree Annapurna Dham Adalaj is divided in to 2500 Sq. Var.
Cottage in Gandhinagar - Weekend Homes in Gandhinagar
Details of Shree Annapurna Dham Adalaj Gujarat Bhumi Pujanvidhi:
Date: 22 June 2015(Sunday)
Time: 9:30 AM to 12: 30 PM
Bhojan Prasad: 12: 30 to 1: 30 PM
Venue: Town Hall near GH-4, Sector 17, Gandhinagar
Bird Sanctuaries in Gujarat - Temples in Gujarat

Members of Shree Annapurna Dham Adalaj Gujarat Bhumi Pujanvidhi:
President - Shree Kuvarjibhai Patel
Vice President- N.P Patel and Shree Sureshbhai Patel
Minister - Shree Navinbhai Patel
Co- Minister - Shree Pravinbhai Pansuriya
Treasurer- Shree Hiteshbai Patel
Co-Treasurer- Shree Jayeshbahi Patel
Internal Auditor- Shree Nareshbhai Patel
Coordinator- Shree Dharamsibhai Moradiya, Shree Pankajbhai Patel, Shree Bipinbhai Patel, Shree Pravinbhai Maniya
Building Committee- Shree Arvindbhai Sheladiya
Committee promoted- Shree Uren Patel
Annapurna or Annapoorna is the Hindu goddess of nourishment. Anna means "food" or "grains". Purna means "full, complete and perfect". Shree Annapurna Dham Temple is having a unique architecture displaying tradition of the community. Leuva Patel / Leva Patidar Samaj is very excited for this Bhoomi Pujanvidhi and hence lots of famous and well known personalities from Gujarat Leuva Patel Samaj would be there to attend the event of Bhoomi Pujanvidhi.
Would be present in this occasion of Shree Annapurna Dham Adalaj Gujarat Bhoomi Pujanvidhi…
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