All India Seminar on Polymer Processing / Reclamation on Environment at Ahmedabad
All India Seminar is organized by The Institution of Engineers (India), Gujarat State Centre, Under the Aegis of Chemical Engineering Division Board, IEI at Ahmedabad. All India Seminar on Polymer Processing, Reclamation and Its End-Of-Life Impact on Environment at Ahmedabad.
All India Seminar will be held from 21st August 2015 at Bhaikaka Bhavan in Ahmedabad. The Institution of Engineers (India) or IEI is the largest multidisciplinary professional body that encompasses 15 engineering disciplines and gives engineers a global platform.
All India Seminar in Ahmedabad 2015
Date : 21st August 2015
Timing : 09:30 am
Day : Friday
Venue : Bhaikaka Bhavan, Opposite Law garden, Ahmedabad
This Seminar is one of the best all India event at Ahmedabad. This Seminar Sub Themes are Polymer processing techniques, Advanced techniques for polymer reclamation, Eco-friendly polymer production, Enhancement in the properties and characteristics of polymers, Alternatives to the polymers, End of pipe treatment to the sustainable development approach in polymer industry, Environmental issues associated with polymer industry, Global trend in the polymer industry, Global technological advancement trends in polymer industry, Industry practices for polymer processing and reclamation
Chairman : Dr. L V Muralokrishna Reddy, FIE, President, IEI
Co- Chairman : Dr. M P Sukumaran Nair, FIE, Chairman, CHDB, IEI
Convener : Dr. S A Puranik, FIE, Director & Environmental Auditor Sch - I, AITS |