Randal Mataji Na Lota - Randal Maa Lota Vidhi Information - Pooja Details
Randal Mataji Na Lota is a Gujarati ceremony is usually performed at home, to also give blessings onto the home. And the ceremony should be performed on Specific days most commonly Saturday, Sunday and Monday. We can get all Information from The priest; He should always be consulted over the best days for the ceremony of Randal Mataji Na Lota.
People perform this Ceremony, for the joy and love for Randal Mataji. There are many Reasons also behind This Ceremony.
Randal Maa Temple Dadva - Randal Mataji Temple in Gujarat
It is Family Traditions were the Ceremony is performed when a new daughter-in-law is welcomed into the new Home. The ceremony will bring Happiness and Blessings upon the New Married Couple.
In other family traditions the Ceremony of Randal Mataji Na Lota is associated with the First Pregnancy, they will do this on the Seventh month (Shrimant Vidhi) to Call Blessings upon the Baby inside the Mother to be.
Some parents like to perform the Ceremony for an infant boy some time after he has his Head shaved at his Balmundan (First Hair Cutting). They ask for Randal Matajis blessings for the new Boy’s life. Also this is for when a boy attains the Janoi (sacred thread), Randal Mataji will give blessings to the boy and make him Safe and be Successful in his studies and Further Life.
On this day the Goyni represent the form of Randal Mataji. The success of Randal Mataji Na Lota is Depends on how Many Goyni's are there. Any woman or Girl Coming for Meal in Randal Maa Na Lota can be a Goyni. The Minimum Number of Goynies is determined by the number of Lota used in the Ceremony. Lotas are always counted in Pairs. 14 Goyni’s for each pair of Lotas.
The More love, devotion, and energy that the put into their Garba and into the Ceremony the Stronger is the Presence of Randal Mataji during the "Ghodo Kundwo" |