Distance between Haridwar to Rishikesh by Road | Car | Bus | Train (from Rishikesh to Haridwar)
Most people choose to visit both places, Haridwar and Rishikesh as its only 25Km far from Haridwar to Rishikesh. Here are the convenience of learning about the distance between Haridwar to Rishikesh is very helpful while traveling. Traveling time is around 45 minutes to an hour from Rishikesh to Haridwar.
Haridwar is headquarters of Haridwar district and it has good connectivity with the other towns of the district and the state. Haridwar is located very close to Rishikesh at a distance of around 20 Kms. Ramjhula and LakshmanJhula (bridge over river ganga) is a famous place to visit in Rishikesh. The travel time is around24 Kms by road, while by rail it is 35 Km. Haridwar and Rishikesh both are easily reachable by road and rail. There is direct train to Rishikesh from Haridwar which is also a convenient travel option and it would give you the flexibility to go places without any trouble.
Distance between Haridwar to Rishikesh
Arial Distance: 21 KMs
Road Distance: 24 KMs
Rail Distance: 35 Km
How many hours from Delhi to Haridwar
By Car: 30 Min
By Bus: 45 Min
By Train: 1 Hr
At one of the first towns where Ganga emerges from the mountains to touch the planes, Haridwar and Rishikesh, regular bus services connect both the places, covering the distance in 20 to 25 mins. Buses run frequently (at least every half hour) and are very economical. Besides, hiring taxi is another option to reach Rishikesh, taxi service is available in between haridwar and rishikesh through NH 58 toward Bypass Road.
So, pack your luggage to go for the religious journey of Haridwar and Rishikesh without any trouble or confusion about reach the destination. |