Dandiya Night 2015 and Diwali Festival Utsav in Karachi at Ali Bhai Auditorium
Dandiya night 2015 is presented by the Vibha for the Navratri celebration in Karachi. The dandiya & Diwali Festival celebration is on 15 Nov. at Ibrahim Ali Bhai Auditorium Karachi. The garba players of Karachi come and join us to play raas garba.
Activities for Children between 5 years to 18 years:
Dharmik Question's Answer's
God Picture painting
Devotional songs singing competition
Magic Show
Dance competition
The last date for the form submission of the competition is 5 November, 2015 and fee is Rs. 200.
Details of Dandiya Night 2015 & Diwali Festival Utsav
Date: 15th November, 2015
Day: Sunday
Time: 12:00 PM
Venue: Ibrahim Ali Bhai Auditorium, Karachi, Pakistan
Tickets for Dandiya:
Rs. 300
The celebration of the Diwali is for the first time in Pakistan so come to be the part of the event in Dandiya Night 2015 & Diwali Festival Utsav at Ibrahim Ali Bhai Auditorium Karachi. All are hearty invited for the celebration with friends and family. |