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Rajkot Congress Candidates Name List for RMC Election 2015 (Municipal Corporation / Mahanagarpalika)

Rajkot Congress Candidates Name List for RMC Election 2015 (Municipal Corporation / Mahanagarpalika)

Rajkot Municipal Corporation Election 2015 is on 22nd November, 2015 Sunday. An election is held to elect corporators to power. There are many people who will support the congress party because the BJP has opposed the Patidar Anamat Andolan recently.

Rajkot Corporation Election of Congress Party is all set for the Election Day and they have taken many efforts to convince the voters. Congress has also arranged many rallies and meeting to promote its candidates of Mahanagar Palika Election 2015.

Hare you can see Ward Wise Congress Candidates List for Rajkot Mahanagarpalika Election 2015… 

Congress Candidates List for RMC Election 2015: 

Ward No. 1

Gohel Ajaybhai Bijalabhai

Parmar Ranjeetbhai Dhudabhai

Joshi Diptiben Asokabhai

Variya Kundanben Shaileshbhai 

Ward No. 2

Sanghvi Rajatbhai Suryakantbhai

Nathwani Nitinbhai Sureshchandra

Mehta Dharmisthaben Shaileshbhai

Kariyaniya Raziyaben Salimbhai 

Ward No. 3

Rajani Atulbhai Rasikbhai

Aasvani Dilipbhai Chandubhai

Vaghela Gaytriba Ashoksinh

Purbiya Geetaben Dipakbhai 

Ward No. 4

Dangar Prabhatbhai Govindbhai

Bavriya Sureshbhai Dhanjibhai

Gajera Rekhaben Thakarshibhai

Seemiben Anilbhai Jadav 

Ward No. 5

Sojitra Mohanbhai Lalajibhai

Chovatiya Sonalbhai Rameshbhai

Sakriya Savitaben Ranchhodbhai

Toliya Popatbhai Ghoghabhai 

Ward No. 6

Sorani Bachubhai Gandabhai

Gadhatra Savitaben Rameshbhai

Ansuyaben Chetanbhai Lunagariya

Mori Heerabhai Rudabhai 

Ward No. 7

Keyur Pravinbhai Masrani

Pravinbhai Virambhai Rathod

Dahiben Bahadurbhai Singhav

Alkaben Amitkumar Ravani 

Ward No. 8

Patel Yogeshbhai Kantibhai

Chandpa Pravinbhai Mavjibhai

Sagpariya Divyaben Kishorbhai

Joshi Sonalben Jigneshbhai 

Ward No. 9

Paragbhai Dineshbhai Makvana

Khambhaliya Manishbhai Kanjibhai

Dangar Manisaben Ashvinbhai

Ramani Madhuben Jentibhai 

Ward No. 10

Kalariya Mansukhbhai Jadavbhai

Bhanderi Reenaben Nitinbhai

Pandya Prabhaben Vinodrai

Jadeja Rajdeepsinh Ajeetsinh 

Ward No. 11

Dera Parulben Vasurabhai

Jadeja Ghanshyam Anirudhsinh

Harasoda Pareshbhai Parasottamabhai

Malavi Vasantben Mathurbhai 

Ward No. 12

Patel Urvashiben Sanjaybhai

Vank Vijaybhai Babubhai

Urvashiba Kanaksinh Jadeja

Ajudiya Sanjaybhai Dhirajbhai 

Ward No. 13

Nitinbhai Narasibhai Ramani

Jagrutiben Prabhatbhai Dangar

Dakshaben Yogeshbhai Minipara

Ravjibhai Chanabhai Khimsuriya 

Ward No. 14

Rajubhai Arjanbhai Sarvaiya

Praphulabena Harsadabhai Khut

Manasura Abhelbhai Wada

Vaishaliben Haribhai Shinde 

Ward No. 15

Masumena Rambhai Herabha

Vasarambhai Alabhai Sagathiya

Mukbalbhai Habibbhai Daudani

Bhanuben Pravinbhai Sorani 

Ward No. 16

Harunbhai Isabhai Dakora

Vallabhbhai Mavjibhai Parsana

Rasilaben Sureshbhai Garaiya

Snehaben Bipinbhai Dave 

Ward No. 17

Gayatriben Rasikbhai Bhatt

Jayaben Jayantibhai Tank

Ghanshyamsinh Natubhai Jadeja

Shaileshbhai Damajibhai Rupapara 

Ward No. 18

Dharmisthaba Mayurasinh Jadeja

Meenaben Vallabhai Jadhav

Jayantibhai Gandubhai Butani

Nirmadbhai ravatabhai Maru

The 50% reservation is always for women in the Municipal Corporation election. So, both men and women can stand in the RMC election 2015. Under Rajkot Municipal Corporation Rajkot is divided into 18 wards. There are four candidates standing under each single ward.

In Municipal Corporation general elections all types of caste people can stand for the election. In RMC election 2015 each ward is represented by 4 corporators of different castes. The war between Congress Party vs. BJP has been started. There are chances of congress to win the election if the Patidar supports the Congress.

Congress Party has promised that they will construct new road, will provide sufficient water supply and many other promises to take votes from the people. Everyone is very curious to know that win Party will win the Rajkot city local election of 2015. Let’s see which party will win and rule the Rajkot city.

In local body elections 2015 Patel Samaj will play the important role because to whom they will vote that party will rule the Rajkot city. Congress is taking very interest in convincing the voters to support them. Congress Vs BJP war has been started for winning the Municipal Corporation Election 2015. Wait and watch what happens on 22 Nov. 2015.

Main Category : Politics, Gujarat City News
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Rajkot Congress Candidates Name List for RMC Election 2015 (Municipal Corporation / Mahanagarpalika)
Rajkot Congress Candidates Name List for RMC Election 2015 (Municipal Corporation / Mahanagarpalika), Congress Candidate List 2015, Congress Candidates Name List 2015, RMC Election 2015, RMC Election Congress Candidate List 2015, RMC Election Congress Candidate Name 2015, Rajkot Municipal Corporation Congress Candidate List 2015, Rajkot Municipal Corporation Congress Candidate Name 2015, Rajkot Mahanagarpalika Election 2015 Congress Candidate Name, Rajkot Mahanagarpalika Election 2015 Congress Candidate List, Ward Wise Congress Candidate Name List 2015
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