Incurable Disease Treatment - Relief from Serious Body Diseases
Dr. Shams Scheik MD (Med.), ABAARM, Dip. Orthomol Med (Germany) American Board Certified in Anti-aging & Regenerative Medicine Rejuvenesse Clinic in Mumbai. Dr. Shams Scheik cures the Incurable Disease with German Biological Medicine.
German Biological Medicine includes combination of the latest regenerative medical technology with Cell Therapy, Thymus Therapy, IV Ozone Therapy, Orthomolecular Medicine, Laser Revitalization of Blood, External Laser Therapy, Intravenous Oxygen Therapy, Bio-Identical (Natural) Hormone Replacement, Specific Diet and other methods.
Incurable Diseases Treatments such as Muscular Dystrophy, Thyroid Disease, Fertility Problems, High Blood Pressure, Alzheimer’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Osteoporosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis of any Joint and many other with German Therapy.
Rejuvenesse Clinic - Rejuvenesse Clinic Mumbai
There are various Incurable Diseases which are cured overnight and some takes long time duration for curing it. Very rare diseases are cured immediately and few diseases are happening from long time so it takes time for curing in the body.
Nowadays, Medical is bent on symptomatic relief only through biochemical intervention (pharmaceutical drugs). Through this process patient feels stressful condition and lower immune system which further can caused serious diseased condition in body.
Some Incurable Disease is cured by patient detailed case history study, current medications, list of surgeries etc. Every individual case is unique because hormones of all are different. So treatment is also done according to the patient condition to cure in better ways. |