Uttarakhand Flood 2013 - Photos Images Pictures Pics
Uttarakhand Flood 2013, really bad news for Pilgrims…
We have collected few latest “Uttarakhand Flood 2013 Photos” to let your know the actual situation faced during Flood. Few “Uttarakhand Flood 2013 Images” are taken by medias and tourists which tells how was the bad situation they have faced during their Uttarakhand Visit in 2013.
Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and some part of Waster Tibet also experienced heavy rainfall. Uttarakhand Flood 2013, more than 1,000 people have died with many more missing. Damage to bridges and roads left over 70,000 pilgrims and tourists attentive in various places.
Hindu Chardham pilgrimage centers including Gangotri, Yamunotri, Kedarnath and Badrinath are visited by thousands of devotees, especially after the month of May onwards. Over 70,000 people were having difficulties in various regions because of damaged or blocked roads.
If you have collected any more Uttarakhand Flood 2013 Pics” share with us through email “welcome@nrigujarati.co.in” ,we will publish it on our website.