New Bollywood Hindi Movie Pirate is Comedy and Musical Film, Director by Priya Darsshan. In Pirate Upcoming Hindi Movie Staring are Kunal Khemu, Bollywood Queen Deepika Padukone and Shreyas Talpade in leading roles.
Seeing Deepika Padukone success it seems like year 2013 - 2014 is made just for her, earlier we all are aware that Chennai Express has become a grand success so does the Yah Jawani Diwani.
Upcoming Bollywood Movie Pirate Cast & Crew
Starring : Deepika Padukone, , Kunal Khemu, Paresh Rawal ,Shreyas Talpade, Rajpal Yadav
Director : Priyadarshan
Music Director : Pritam Priyadarshan
New Bollywood Movie Pirate Release Date :
15th May, 2014
For the first time Deepika Padukone will be acting in Priyadarshan's Upcoming Bollywood Hindi Movie Pirate. The movie is mostly comedy but has a serious note in the end. It is based on the music piracy where five young people form a music band fight against music piracy.
What will the Upcoming Bollywood Movie Pirate Release Date ??
Pirate Movie Releasing on Date : May 15, 2014. |