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NRI Gujarati Classified

SHUBHAM Ethnic - Rajkot Visited : 18084
Ads SHUBHAM Ethnic - Rajkot
Products :Designer & mfg.of Men's Ethnic Wear
Contact Address : Swapnalok plaza ,1st floor, 150ft. ring road.  Rajkot, Gujarat India
Phone : +91-281-2585427 Cell : +91-9825395352
Email : arya.jayesh@yahoo.com Website : http://www.nrigujarati.co.in
Company Profile : Shubham established since 1992 .shubham Ethnic has created its brand in this exclusive
segment of ethnic men's wear .
exclusive sherwani ,kurta suit and grrom wear .

shubham has given every customer a feel of satisfaction with excellence and royality and A style statement of its own!!!
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NRI Gujarati Classified