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NRI Gujarati Classified
Classified » Food Industry » Kesar Mango Plantation » Jagdamba Farm & Nursery - Junagadh

Jagdamba Farm & Nursery - Junagadh Visited : 20118
Ads Jagdamba Farm & Nursery - Junagadh
Products :Jumbo Super Kesar mango fruits during season
Contact Address : At. Ratang Tal. Visavadar  Junagadh, Gujarat India
Phone : 02873-243380 Cell : 99794 38660
Email : info@kesarmango.in Website : http://www.kesarmango.in
Company Profile : Jumbo Super Kesar mango fruits during season, Black Jamun grafts and plants of paras variety, Coconut plants, Medicinal/Herbal plants etc.,

Jagdamba Farm & Nursery is the unique Horticulture based nursery of Saurashtra region working for supply of healthy and qualitative planting materials to the farming communities. Shri Jagdamba Farm & Nursery, we possesses the 0.00 acres of land for fruit production and nursery activities. Our emphases are on healthy, vigorous and qualitative planting materials like grafts of different fruit crops. We mostly supply the mango wedge graft and approach graft. We are also engaged for supplying grafts of Black Jamun.

The mango (Mangifera indica) is one of the most popular and widespread of tropical trees with sweet fruits. The tree is with evergreen canopy and it has a generally spreading habit. The mango fruit is a large, fleshy drupe, containing an edible mesocarp with good test, aroma and color and for that it is known as king of fruit.

Kesar is the well-known variety of Gujarat particularly Junagadh region which was first selected by farmer of Mangrol, Junagadh district. It was first appreciated by Nawab of Junagadh and named as “Sale bhai ni ambali”. After some period, it was scientifically evaluated and named as Kesar on bases of saffron color of fruit pulp .

Jumbo Super Kesar is also natural selection from kesar variety of mango. Jambo keasr is the our great achievement that was selected, developed and multiplied by us from our orchard. The following are the characteristics of Jumbo Super Kesar……….
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