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NRI Gujarati Classified

Nimba Nature Cure Village Visited : 7156
Ads Nimba Nature Cure Village
Products :Raaga Therapy, Colon Therapy, Yoga, Hydro Etc...
Contact Address : Village: Baliyasan Ahmedabad - Mehsana Expressway Nr. Shanku Water Park, Mehsana  Mehsana, Gujarat India
Phone : +91 2762 283313 Cell : +91 83473 13333
Email : info@nimba.in Website : http://www.nimba.in
Company Profile :

'Nimba' a project led by 'The Oswal Group' is a reality of a vision to build an abode wherein individual/groups/families could come for a change of the day-to-day hectic and routine life and rejuvenate their mind and bodies to its natural best. 'Nimba' is a place where you'll find yourself in harmony with nature.

'Nimba' is a health resort set in splendid and expansive 100 acre lush green land, away from the hustle - bustle of a city, a stay with our well maintained and organized construct assures you of a healthy life connected to nature. Our humble and dedicated staff ensures that all are guests follow the principles of Nature Cure to lead a re-energized life.

As you commit your time and energy towards nature's healing powers, we'll try and hope to assure that, you enjoy a new and healthy life.
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NRI Gujarati Classified