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NRI Gujarati Classified
Classified » Furniture Companies & Outlets » MARUTI STEEL FURNITURE

Products :Stainless Steel, Wooden and Railing
Contact Address : 1/11, Atika Industrial Area, Nr. Atika Rubber Mill, Dhebar Road, (South),  Rajkot, Gujarat India
Phone : +91-281-237 4815 Cell : 098799 62661
Email : info@markrail.com Website : http://www.markrail.com
Company Profile : We present ourselves as a firm that has been manufacturing Stainless steel accessories for over a decade and that specialises in Balustrades & Hand rail systems.

Mark has always aspired to create designs that are aesthetically appealing at the same time functionally sound, which is obvious in its modular systems. Our designs are a unique system of standard modular components which ensures no on site fabrication and welding. Since the components are engineered to accommodate various on site conditions, the mounting of the products at site becomes very simple. An experienced and trained installation team, equipped with state-of-the-art tools further substantiates our quest to provide complete engineered railing solutions. Our plant possesses modern machinery which are duly modified to suit the needs.

We at Mark use AISI 304 Stainless Steel for its unmatched strength and flawless finish, this can be seen in our product range. Chemically passivated components and tubes ensures the formation of natural oxide surface film which results in very high corrosion resistance.

Our products has a wide span of application, they are used at residential bungalows, domestic/ commercial/ institutional buildings, amusement parks, multiplexes, airports, shopping malls, hotel/restaurants. Their uses are increasing everyday through the vision of our clients and the imagination of their architects and designers.

Our contemporary designs caters to the needs of demands of modern times and a team of highly qualified industrial designers and engineers are constantly providing fresh ideas and design innovations.

We put in a lot of effort to achieve the highest quality, which begins with a human thought and ends with a tangible product.
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NRI Gujarati Classified