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Classified » Event Management Companies » Happy Birthday MP3 Song with Name » Birthday Songs With Names - Kolkata

Birthday Songs With Names - Kolkata Visited : 5922
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Products :Create Birthday Song With Name, Create personal birthday ecard, Etc...
Contact Address : MMC Solutions Pvt Ltd,8/1 Lalbazar Street, Bikaner Building,Suite No.1A, 1st Floor,  Kolkata, West Bengal India
Phone : 91-9836005511 Cell : 91-9836005511
Email : mohtarohitin@yahoo.co.in Website : http://birthdaysongswithnames.com
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Birthday Songs With Names - Kolkata

Create Birthday Song With Name, Create personal birthday ecard BirthdaySongsWithNames.com was founded with the vision of inspiring people to share their wishes and greetings through the magic and power of personalized songs and photo ecards. We created and distribute our own, original versions of personalized birthday songs to you.

You’ll find all our songs here on the site. To start off, find your name in a birthday song. Download the birthday song and you can burn it to a CD. You can also share it on Facebook or email it. It’s a unique, original and very inexpensive gift.

Everyone would enjoy hearing Happy Birthday sung just for him/her. The personalized Happy Birthday song is so fun that it makes a great birthday present for friends and family.

We also offer an ecard creation service that makes it easy and fun for anyone to create and share extraordinary ecards using their own pictures, words and birthday songs with the name of the love one.

Millions of people actively use BirthdaySongsWithNames.com as a unique gift for their friends and family members.

Based in Kolkata, India, the entire BirthdaySongsWithNames.com team is a passionate and innovative group devoted to helping more people experience the power of sharing their wishes.
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