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Classified » Healthcare Industry » Dr Agravat Healthcare Ltd - Ahmedabad

Dr Agravat Healthcare Ltd - Ahmedabad Visited : 6471
Ads Dr Agravat Healthcare Ltd - Ahmedabad
Products :Dental Treatment, Ayurved SPA, Medical Tourism, Education & Career, IT Services etc.,
Contact Address : UF-2, Mohini Complex, Near Pride Hotel, Bodakdev,  Ahmedabad, Gujarat India
Phone : 07930089191 Cell : +91 98257 63666
Email : info@agravat.com Website : http://www.healthcare.agravat.com
Company Profile : Rainbow of Medical and health care services of AHCL Words are too inadequate to take you through the journey of 50 years of creating wealth of health, however, terming AHCL and institute of Holistic fitness and wellness would put the things in perspective. Taking the movement forward by integrating medical expertise of varied medical disciplines, Today AHCL is poised to become one stop center for holistically healthy human existence. AHCL’s medical health care service portfolio further drives home the point that AHCL is a “Look no further” Place for medical and health care solutions.

We Truly Believe the world is our extended family something our patients from many country can wormy affirm.

It was 1950 when late Dr. Dhirajilal Agravat who believed that one should understand the disease, the treatment & the cure. And he dreamt of an institution where one can get cured of his disease by treated rightly and timely.

This dream came true when the family physician Dr. Jagdishchandra D. Agravat put the first brick of the foundation in 1963 carrying the same belief by practicing it. Dr. Narendra Agravat as a Medical Superintendent and Dr. Harsha Agravat joined the foundation as a strong supporting pillar of the institution in 1999.

With Dr. Bharat Agravat, at the helm of AHCL as the CMD,AHCL is enriched with the expertise with Dr Bharat Agravat brings in the areas of Dentistry and cosmetology as a renowned and proficient Cosmetologist and Dental Surgeon practicing from last eight years putting smiles on many faces with jubilation of fulfillment and giving them a reason to smile!

Today, after successful 57 years of profound glory, AHCL is a fully-grown tree with all its branches. Its medical amenities with latest technology make it a place of brilliance, competent and one of its kind Universal Medi-hub.

Cosmetics & Dental, Ayurveda & Spa, Health & Wellness, Medical Tourism, On Line Support, Education & Career, Offshore Software development and IT services are AHCL's amenities to serve you all under one roof. AHCL is all equipped to put a smile on your face.
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