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Classified » Healthcare Industry » Weight Loss Treatment in India » Dr.Apurva Vyas - Laparoscopic Obesity Weight Loss Surgeon in Gujarat

Dr.Apurva Vyas - Laparoscopic Obesity Weight Loss Surgeon in Gujarat Visited : 15205
Ads Dr.Apurva Vyas - Laparoscopic Obesity Weight Loss Surgeon in Gujarat
Products :Lap bariatric surgery, Lap adrenalectomy, Lap hemicolectomies, Lap achalasia cardia, Lap cbd exploration, Etc....
Contact Address : Sterling Hospitals- Rajkot, Gujarat  Rajkot, Gujarat India
Phone : 0281 – 3944111 Cell : +91 93748 52722
Email : drarvyas@yahoo.co.in Website : http://www.obesitysolutionsrajkot.com
Company Profile : Dr.Apurva Vyas - Laparoscopic Obesity Weight Loss Surgeon in Gujarat

He has wide experience in weight loss surgeries which includes range of 90 to 200 kg. He has taken extensive training for same in california from renowed bariatric surgeon dr Helmuth Belly & in tornto , canada from Dr Lanz Klein.


MS, saurashtra university, 1995

excess training for endoscopy under dr amit maydeo at
bhatia hospital, 1996

extensive work as an fts at civil hospital porbandar till 1999
sinse then he was running his private nursing home.

during this tenure he has upgraded himself in the field of mas.

he has taken training under dr john thannakumar, kmch, coimbatore, for advanced laproscopic work, 2001

he has also cleared the FMAS exam, taken by the reknowned laproscopic surgeon dr palanivelu, gem hospital , coimbatore,2006

he has presented a paper in international amasi conference ,new delhi, 2005

Thanks & Regards

Dr.Apurva Vyas - Weight Loss Surgeon in Gujarat

For further information
please contact
Mr.Bankim Purohit on +919574000824 or

E mail bankim.purohit31@gmail.com
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