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Classified » Healthcare Industry » Weight Loss Treatment in India » Dr Sanjay Patolia - Obesity Surgeon - Laparoscopic Surgery & Treatment Specialist in Gujarat India

Dr Sanjay Patolia - Obesity Surgeon - Laparoscopic Surgery & Treatment Specialist in Gujarat India Visited : 39749
Ads Dr Sanjay Patolia - Obesity Surgeon - Laparoscopic Surgery & Treatment Specialist in Gujarat India
Products :Obesity Surgery, Weight Loss Surgery, Obesity Treatment India, Laparoscopic Spain Surgery Center etc
Contact Address : 2nd / 3rd Floor, Heera Complex, 5-Manahar Plot, Vidyanagar Main Road,  Rajkot, Gujarat India
Phone : + 91 98251 83170 Cell : +0281 6993896
Email : drpatolia@yahoo.com Website : http://www.obesitysurgeryindia.in
Company Profile : Dr. Sanjay Patolia M.S. (General Surgery) ; DALS (Coimbtore) ; PGDMLS ; Fellow in Bariatric Surgery. Dr Sanjay Patolia, Obesity Surgeon and Laparoscopic Surgery & Treatment Specialist in Used to handle any kind of complex Obesity Surgery based in Rajkot Gujarat India Dr Sanjay Patolia has conducted thousands of advanced laparoscopic surgery for gastrointestinal tract including Laparoscopic Bariatric (Weight Loss) surgery for obesity. Out of weight loss surgeries, Dr Patolia no longer carries out any form of primary Gastric Banding procedure because of higher patient satisfaction with alternatives and Billio-Pancreatic diversion because of Indian diet based mainly on carbohydrate and less on protein content. Dr Patolia offers the following surgical procedure for the weight loss:- PRIMARY OPERATIONS 1) Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy 2) Laproscopic Gastric Bypass (Roux-En-Y) 3) Staged operation 1st stage -- Lap.Sleeve Gastrectomy 2nd stage -- Lap.Gastric Bypass. Sleeve Gastrectomy 1) Mr. P: I am 23 years old and my weight was 138 k.g. I had undergone sleeve gastrectomy in January; 2006.I lost 65 k.g. within 14 months. I am happy after lightening myself. 2) Mr.M: I was weighing 118k.g.I underwent sleeve gastrectomy in May 06.My weight is 84 k.g.by April 07.My life is much better after the surgery. 3) Mrs.S: I was asked by orthopedic surgeon to reduce my body weight for joint pain and back ache.I lost 25 k.g. after sleeve gastrectomy in Feb ’07.I have no joint pain now.I thank Dr Patolia for helping me out of my problems. Gastric by Pass 1) Mrs.P: I am 42 years old and my weight was 106 k.g. I have problem of hypothyroidism. I was suffering from menstrual irregularities. I made several attempts to reduce my weight but failed. I underwent gastric bypass in Nov.’06.I lost 30 k.g. within 6 months.I really thank Dr Patolia for very kind of his attitude and service. 2) Mrs.S: I am 32 years old and my weight was 106 k.g. I was suffering from Diabetes,high blood pressure,Right knee joint pain and severe menstrual irregularities.I underwent gastric bypass in Jan ’07.I lost 20k.g. within four months and still I suppose to loose weight for another 12 to 16 months possibly. Diabetes amd high blood pressure are absolutely under control without any medicines. Menses are regular and no more joint pain.I really thank doctor for changing my life. 3) Mr J: I am 27 years old and my weight was 210 k.g.I had no hope to reduce my weight and further life so far. But,I found proper doctor fortunately intime who did gastric bypass in Jan’07. I have lost 35 k.g. within a period of intial three months.I am eagerly waiting for two years to be completed to reach the goal and looking forward to my new life. 4) Mr Z: My weight was 118 k.g. I was a patient of high blood pressure and at coronary risk because of high lipid levels. Dr Patolia explained me about the control of weight,lipid levels and blood pressre after the gastric bypass.I underwent surgery in Feb’07 . My blood pressure is normal without any medicine and I have lost 13 k.g. within two months. 5) Mr S: I tried hard to reduce my weight.I use to swim daily since last four years but, I couldnot reduce my weight.I came to know that tummy tuck and liposuction is not for me.Allaha (god) made opportunity to meet Dr Patolia.I underwent gstric bypss in Feb.’07. I lost 18 K.G. within two months and I am very happy that I selected bariatric surgery instead of liposuction and tummy tuck.
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