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Classified » Books & Magazines » Krushi Vigyan - Rajkot

Krushi Vigyan - Rajkot Visited : 19876
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Products :Krushi Vigyan Agri Magazine, Business Magazine For Rural Gujarat
Contact Address : Royal Complex, Bhutkhana Chock Dhebarbhai Road  Rajkot, Gujarat India
Phone : 281-2229966, 2229866
Email : kvrajkot@gmail.com Website : http://www.krushivigyan.com
Company Profile : “KRUSHIVIGYAN” provides the latest information on the ever-expanding horizons of Agriculture worldwide to our readers. Indian agriculture has come of the ages. KRUSHIVIGYAN is a concept, which would make an effort to bridge the gap of information between the source and end user. “KRUSHIVIGYAN” is an encyclopedia of information for the progressive and innovative farmers and a guide for the Agriculture. Regards Mr.Pravin Patel Krushi Vigyan Magazine
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