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NRI Gujarati Classified

Rangoli Furniture - Rajkot Visited : 7613
Ads Rangoli Furniture - Rajkot
Products :Office Furniture, Sofa Bed, TV Corner, Dining Table etc...
Contact Address : Dhebar Road, Nr. Mehta Petrol Pump,  Rajkot, Gujarat India
Phone : 0281 - 2222492 Cell : +91 9979344488
Email : kk.maru1215@gmail.com Website : http://rangolifurniture.co.in
Company Profile : Rangoli Furniture

Under the vision, direction and leadership of Rangoli Furniture owners, Rangoli Furniture has become a "World Class Furniture Manufacturer". Rangoli Furniture has grown to become one of the largest home furniture manufacturing company. Ashley has a rich history of success stories that illustrate its dramatic transition from a ‘virtual unknown’ to a significant force in the industry. The company has remained committed to its Vision Statement, "We Want To Be The Best Furniture Company."

UNIT - 1

Rangoli Furniture
Dhebar Road,
Nr. Mehta Petrol Pump,

Ph: 0281 - 2222492
0281 - 2229776


Rangoli Furniture
Amarnath Estate,
Bolbala Main Road,
Nr. Pipliya Hall,

Ph: 0281 - 2321002
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NRI Gujarati Classified