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NRI Gujarati Classified

Anand Orient Express in Rajkot Visited : 13179
Ads Anand Orient Express in Rajkot
Products :Air Cargo & Sea Cargo Special Rates For U.S.A., U.K, U.A.E., Australia, New Zeland, Europe Courier Services.
Contact Address : Avadh Plaza, Panchnath Main Road Opp.Raj Bank.  Rajkot, Gujarat India
Phone : +91-281-2240838 Cell : +91 98242 13861
Email : oec1_2@yahoo.com Website : http://orientexpindia.com
Company Profile : Yes we can. You will hear that expression of confidence throughout the Orient Group every day. For over two decades Orient has been a proven leader in the efficient and timely movement of both domestic and international cargo. With a network of OES centers and agents worldwide our answer is "Yes. Yes we can".

To put our lofty goals into action, we have developed a phenomenal nationwide network, efficient and customer-oriented professionals, who regularly handle over 10000 consignments per day.

We are known for the best quality service consignments, showing highest efficiency. We also provide various value added services to our esteemed customers in our variours services like Air Shipping, Trucking Dilivery, Sea Shipping. With the web world and our objective network, we are sure to serve you to your satisfaction.

At Orient Express not only a goal to earn a business but also willing to earn trust and setisfation. More over you will find many featured function to OES like....

� Spot Pick UP
� Online Tracking System
� Prompt Mailing or telephone Support
� And many more.....
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NRI Gujarati Classified