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NRI Gujarati Classified

DV RAO Advocate Visited : 4402
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Products :We assist our clients with resolution of disputes in all areas of general and special practices, including commerce, finance and industry. It is our endeavor to prevent disputes by ensuring proper documentation etc. However, in cases where disputes cannot be prevented, we take utmost care in preparation of our clients’ case and ensure that the client gets the best advice and support in resolving their disputes. We strive to achieve the best commercial results for our clients. The areas of expertise are
Domestic and International Arbitration
Enforcement of Awards in India
Enforcement of Awards outside India
Contact Address : 11/101, Malahar, Sahara Mansoorabad, L.B.Nagar, Hyderabad-500068  Mansoorabad, Hydrebad India
Phone : - Cell : 9949273624
Email : dvraofile@yahoo.com Website : http://www.dvrao.com
Company Profile : Vision, Mission & Core Values Lead the legal convergence era
Innovative and Committed to Outperform One stop Legal source for anything, anywhere, anytime Present a balance of international experience, professionalism and Indian values
Progressive and reliable Integrity: in all that we do, always, everywhere Driven towards clients requirements and objectives
Facilitators of value addition to our clients Provide knowledge-based counsel and services Help to understand and influence the legal environment Credibility and Quality
Focus always on adding value with efficiency and enthusiasm Customised and personalised competent legal advice Dependable and responsible corporate citizen A framework of best practices, structure, processes and ethics Most preferred partner Focus always on adding value with efficiency and enthusiasm
- D.V.Rao, Advocate,
Life Member, A.P. High Court Advocates' Association.
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NRI Gujarati Classified