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NRI Gujarati Classified

INIFD - Rajkot Visited : 32896
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Products :World's Largest Fashion & Interior Design Institute with 180 Centre Worldwide
Contact Address : INIFD House – Opp TVS Show room,
Kalawad road, Janki Park,  Rajkot, Gujarat India
Phone : 9898222999 Cell : 87802 69213
Email : inifdrj@gmail.com Website : http://inifdrajkot.in
Company Profile :

INIFD Centre at Rajkot
designed the career of over thousands of students.

INIFD is a trendsetting institute in the field of Fashion, Textile and Interior Design, and post graduate courses.

We are first and foremost a place to study for a career in design, a professional institute. Useful skills and practical principles are taught here. That�s true from Interior design to Fashion Design to Design Management or Italian Fashion training.

The skills and principles necessary to get a job and have a career are taught by top-notch professionals who earn a living doing what they teach.Our technical facilities are second to none. Tremendous efforts have been spent to assure the technological edge your success depends on.

As an institute of higher learning we grant degree, diploma, as well as professional certificates in fashion design, interior design, MBA design management, e-fashion and CAD.

We are accredited to India�s leading DEC approved (Distant Learning) University � Annamalai University. Along with this we are with the students even after they pass-out. Assisting them for job placements in association with Arvind Murjani Brand Tommy Hilfiger.

Our Open admissions policy is rare among design institutes. We�ve found that our students� potential doesn�t depend on their past elsewhere, but on their future with us.

We here at INIFD - International Institute Of Fashion Design formerly known as NIFD, show you the path to make your mark in the professional world of Design .

INIFD Education now goes digital with the launch of fully customized INIFD Design Pad.

INIFD Rajkot Fashion Show 2012 at TGB

ASHLEY REBELLO Fashion Designer in Rajkot for INIFD Workshop

INIFD Student Fashion Garments Exhibition 2012 Rajkot

INIFD – International Institute of fashion design
INIFD House – Opp TVS Show room,
Kalawad road, Janki Park,
Rajkot – 360005, Gujarat, India

+91 98982 22999
+91 87802 69213
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