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NRI Gujarati Classified
Classified » Food Industry » Vegetables and Fruits Exporters » AL-Madina International Trade in Rajkot

AL-Madina International Trade in Rajkot Visited : 5219
Ads AL-Madina International Trade in Rajkot
Products :All Kind of Fresh Vegetables and Fruits.
Contact Address : 9th Gayakwadi Corner, Bhistiwad, G.P.O.Box No.:307  Rajkot, Gujarat India
Phone : +91-281-2444940 Cell : +91-98259 63175
Email : almadina_78692@yahoo.com Website : http://www.almadina.in
Company Profile : All Madina International trade is conveniently located in the heart of the agricultural production area of India.

We export a wide range of fresh fruits and vegetables and agro products to consumers around the globe.

Since our establishment in 2000 we are keeping our focus on high quality and flexibility on adapting to the ever-changing needs of customers for export.

With total exposure of many years we feel that our experience should pave enough confidence in the reputed organizations for desired goal of quality, consistency and reliability of the product.

Our Membership
Agricultural & processed food products export development authority-APEDA
National Horticulture Research & Development Foundation-NHRDF
National Agriculture Co-operative Marketing Federation of India Ltd. NAFED
Spices Board of India.

Quality Management
The management of quality is of utmost importance , as these enables the Group to export its brands with confidence to the most discerning customers worldwide.
With our \'in-depth\' experience of seasonal and regional climatic variations, we are well qualified to select only top quality export varieties from each area in accordance with international timing requirements.

Packaging is designed to:

Offer maximum protection to our product.
Transport our product in the most freight-efficient manner
Enable impact merchandising at retail level
Our experts oversee every aspect of the pack house process from the moment
of the product\'s arrival until it is loaded into the Air craft or container.

We are exporters of All Types of fresh Indian fruits and vegetables And agro commodities. We Have years of trustworthy experience of exportin.
We have given the list of our seasonal fruits and vegetables . Please select the Items you want and send us so we give you the best prices.
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