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Live Well - Pain Clinic Ahmedabad Visited : 14315
Ads Live Well - Pain Clinic Ahmedabad
Products :Radiofrequency Neurotomy,Percuataneous Nucleoplasty,
Trigeminal Ganglion Block,Slipped Disc, Spinal Cord stimulator, Back pain, Neck Pain
Contact Address : 502, rudra arcade Bock B
,Near helmat circle,
Drive-in road,
Memnagar.  Ahmedabad, Gujarat India
Phone : +91-79 4030 3031 Cell : +91 - 98250 40252
Email : info@livewellpainclinic.com Website : http://www.livewellpainclinic.com
Dr Hitesh Patel VTV Gujarati Interview : http://www.nrigujarati.co.in/21/131/GujaratiVideos/healthcare-videos/pain-management-by-dr-hitesh-patel-vtv-gujarati-interview.html
Sciaitca Patients Treated without Surgery : http://www.nrigujarati.co.in/21/130/GujaratiVideos/healthcare-videos/sciaitca-patients-treated-without-surgery-in-gujarat-by-nrigujarati-co-in.html
Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment in Gujarat : http://www.nrigujarati.co.in/21/129/GujaratiVideos/healthcare-videos/trigeminal-neuralgia-treatment-in-gujarat-india-radio-frequency-ablation-by-nrigujarati-co-in.html
Company Profile : LIVE WELL Pain Clinic is a new, dedicated facility conveniently located in the heart of Ahmedabad City offering best possible remedy for curing pain. It has a state-of-the-art procedure suite enabling most procedures to be performed on the premises. The clinic is equipped with a high-tech operation theater, best indoor facilities to carry out all day-care procedures, in- house physiotherapy facilities and much more. All the machines, instruments and devices installed at the clinic are of highest standards thus guaranteeing best results.

Call us with any questions you may have. Our office staff is available to answer questions, take appointments, and address any urgent matters.

Dr Hitesh Patel is a Pain Medicine Specialist. Besides his training and experience of working in the USA, Dr Patel has worked with some of the premium medical facilities in India including Breach Candy and Fortis Hospitals in Mumbai and Charnok Hospital in Kolkata – as a Pain Specialist.

He has extensive experience with all interventional pain management techniques and is well-trained in advanced techniques such as radio frequency neurolysis, diagnostic and therapeutic selective nerve root and facet injections, intradiscal procedures, discography, and implantation of devices such as intrathecal opioid pumps and spinal cord stimulators.

He is currently associated with Ahmedabad city’s A-list hospitals viz Sterling, CIMS and Shrey. His clinic – LIVEWELL PAIN CLINIC, located at Helmet Cross Roads, is designed to be an effective pain relief destination to all patients suffering from acute and chronic pain.

Dr Patel has been actively involved in making doctors and public aware about this special branch of medicine called Algology that deals in Pain Management. His motto is to make people aware about ways to prevent and manage pain in the most effective manner.

Pain is the second-most-common problem which makes people seek medical advice. Injuries and illnesses are typical triggers of pain. Another reason is age-related degeneration, and most cases seen by pain specialists fall in this category. Everyone experiences some degree of pain in day to day life. And it is a human tendency to ignore the pain, till it takes some serious dimension and begins to interfere with one’s daily routine like work or socializing with family and friends or when it doesn’t let you sleep peacefully. Experts say, this tendency of ignoring pain should be avoided as negligence at initial levels can make the pain chronic and more harmful. In fact in many cases the damage due to pain becomes irrevocable if it is ignored for too long.

Currently, millions people worldwide suffer from chronic pain of varying degrees. Increasing aging population worldwide, growing number of surgical procedures being performed, changing lifestyles, increasing incidence of cancer are some of the factors causes increasing number of patients.

At Live Well Pain Clinic, we believe in a compassionate patient-centered program to obtain the most effective long-term relief from pain. As Pain Specialists we specialize in the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of persistent pain by eliminating the pain at its origin. We cater to the needs of patients suffering with chronic or debilitating pain who have not responded to the usual physical therapy, and pharmacological protocols offered by their primary doctors.

Interventional pain management procedures involve treatment of pain through injections of medicine directly into or near affected areas. These include nerve blocks, nerve ablation, joint procedures, radio frequency procedures etc. All of these procedures are performed using fluoroscopic imaging (Live X-ray imaging) to ensure precise needle placement, and a local anesthetic is used to numb the injection site. We utilize the latest technology and techniques to minimize risk and discomfort to the patient. Most procedures are carried out on-site in our Standard Operation Theatre, using state-of-the-art radiological machine.
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