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Cheers Interventional Pain Management - Ahmedabad Visited : 7349
Ads Cheers Interventional Pain Management - Ahmedabad
Products :Radiofrequency neuroablation, Cryoablation, Laser, intra- spinal pump or spinal cord stimulator implantations, analgesic medicines, physiotherapy, psychological management etc...
Contact Address : 405, Swapnil 5, H.L.commerce college circle, Navrangpura,  ahmedabad, Gujarat India
Phone : +91 79 2646 5757 Cell : + 91 9898613519 Fax : +91 79 2646 5757
Email : munshishiraz@yahoo.co.in Website : http://www.cheersipm.com
Company Profile : Cheers Interventional Pain Management is pioneer in advanced interventional pain management in Gujarat.

we are in collabration with comprehensive pain management center - Atlanta. USA

Pain is one of the worst enemies of human life. It is a well known fact that each individual suffers pain in some or other form. 70-80% of population suffers from some kind of chronic pain (commonest being back/neck pain) at some stage during his lifetime. World health organization (WHO) has classified “chronic pain” as disease because of its widespread effect on patient’s different body systems, psychology, & socio-economical effects.

What is Pain Clinic?

The pain clinic is a specialized centre which is run by pain specialist. The clinic deals with acute as well as chronic pain conditions. Many clinics have a team comprising pain specialist as head with supportive team including but not limited to physiotherapist, clinical psychologist, orthopedic/spine surgeon, neurologist & neurosurgeon.

How do we treat pain?

The treatment of pain starts from simple bed rest, analgesic medicines, physiotherapy, psychological management to advanced methods of pain relief. The advanced technique includes Radiofrequency neuroablation, Cryoablation, Laser, intra- spinal pump or spinal cord stimulator implantations & many more including minimally invasive to major surgery.


Modern pain management is based on the fact that if you find out exact cause of pain you can treat it effectively. Pain physician has to be ready with different strategies and techniques to find out the cause of pain. With modern equipments and research it is possible to achieve precision diagnosis.

At Cheers Interventional Pain Management, we develop individual treatment plans that are specifically designed to meet each patients needs.

Our goals :
1. Identify and tre at the source of pain
2. To avoid spine surgery and subsequent consequences
3. Coordinate a multidisciplinary approach for the treatment of pain syndromes
4. Achieve maximum pain relief for the greatest length of time possible
5. Facilitate the return to a normal productive lifestyle

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