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Classified » Gold & Jewellery » Stone Jewellery » Agate Cambay - Khambhat

Agate Cambay - Khambhat Visited : 2960
Ads Agate Cambay - Khambhat
Products :Dowsing Gemstone Products,New Age Metaphysical ,Fengshui-Healing Items,Pyramid,Obelisk and many more items.
Contact Address : Pith Bazar, Lal Darwaja Road, Opp.Udasi Bawa Mandir  Khambhat, Gujarat India
Phone : +02698 225952 Cell : +00919825214192
Email : agatecambayindia@gmail.com Website : http://agatecambay.com
Company Profile : We Sajid Gems / Agate Cambay are the manufacturer and exporters of all kinds of Sei Precious Stones.
Our city Cambay is known to be the Birth Place of Agate. As this being our family business we have a vast experience in this field, we are always able to maintain a consistent policy of offering our Products, of reliable quality at competitive prices.
Our Company has been recognised widely for their high standard of quality.
Prompt service and fullest sincere co-operation are our motto and we will keep up the same to the entire satisfaction to strengthen our cordial business relations.
If you have any questions for business needs, please contact us by telephone or reply by email and we'll be happy to help you.
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NRI Gujarati Classified