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Classified » Product Manufacturers » B.B. Household Products. Pvt. Ltd.

B.B. Household Products. Pvt. Ltd. Visited : 3538
Ads B.B. Household Products. Pvt. Ltd.
Products :Black Disinfectant Fluid, Mr. Sent pine shakti, Black Rose Finyle ,Ok-OL Floor Cleaner, Flamingo, Okay Fresh
Contact Address : Sr. No. 24/1, Plt. No. 2, Shapar Main Rd.  Shapar Veraval, Gujarat India
Phone : 0281-571137 Cell : +91 92278 75775 Fax : +91-02827-53075
Email : mail@okay-india.com Website : http://www.okay-india.com
Company Profile : An enormous plant spread over 1000 Mts. of land on Rajkot-Shapar highway. BB Household Products Pvt. Ltd. established in 1964. It has reached up to the highest strata of world leading Flemingo manufacturers within a short time span.

Equipped with highly sophisticated machines of the state-of-the-art technology supported by an enhanced system of quality analysis and testing, excellent quality in very short period has made BB Household Products Pvt. Ltd. to become the world leader in Flemingo manufacturing industry.

The management of the company is vested with the Board of Directors and qualified personnel with expertise in commercial, technical and administrative functions. and Mr. Mahesh mothreja , the Managing Director of the company respectively are assisted by an able team of enterprising professionals.

To work with total dedication is the mantra for success of BBCE team. It works with total involvement, full concern and complete synergy from product designing & development to client servicing,spirit of the team reflects in every task it carries out.

BB Household Products Pvt. Ltd. started with initial production of Black & White Phenyle with extra ordinary perfumed.

The goods we have produced in factory after checking in the lab is re-checked in quality concern department by our highly skill person and engineers.

Regular use of "MIS OK" phenyle works miracles. It removes the bacteria, which is a health hazard. This single "MIS OK" missiles is enough to destroy the whole army of insects. Preserver of cleanliness. FAMOUS FOR YEARS IN GUJARAT AND OUTSIDE

Okay Fresh :

The new and effective concept in food freshness as refrigerator has become as integral part of the modern house hold. yesterday, it was considered a luxury; today it becomes necessity.

However, the food items contained inside the fridge sometimes generate unpleasant and offensive odour. Some people may be allergic to this kind of odour. "Okay Fresh" pyramid removes such odour and keeps the fridge fresh and odourless. A single pack of "Okay Fresh" does the job for almost a year. At the same time, it keeps cockroaches and other small insects away from the fridge. Place it in the middle shelf of the fridge.

Important :To take the maximum benefit out of "Okay Fresh", pyramid take it out at regular intervals (after a month or so), keep it out for three to four and place it again inside the fridge.
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