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Classified » Textile Industry » Uma Enterprise

Uma Enterprise Visited : 3712
Ads Uma Enterprise
Products :Heavy Duty Lathe Machine, Meduim Duty Lathe Machine, Light Duty Lathe Machine etc..
Contact Address : Maruti Estate, Near, Gokuldham, 3-Gokulnagar,  Rajkot, Gujarat India
Phone : 281-231 10 85 Cell : 094280 35217 Fax : 281-231 10 85
Email : info@bluetechlathe.com Website : http://www.bluetechlathe.com
Company Profile : The Company UMA ENTERPRISE has created the unique pride of place amongst its counter parts it has pioneered the Lathe Machine Industry and today by the dint of all round hard work and solid endeavors has achieved for it self converted place Since 1999. It has taken big strides in the fields of Lathe Machine Industry our brand is BLU-TECH. It is an Unique and it self shows. The Symbol of Quality Accuracy and Service Our Motto is To Provide Quality Beyond Imagination and To Highly Satisfy our Customer by Providing Better Service and Better Product.

Today UMA ENTERPRISE Manufactures Lathe Machines of Different Models Like Light Duty Lathe Machine, Medium Duty Lathe Machine, Heavy Duty Lathe Machine, Extra Heavy Duty Lathe Machine, Slotting Machine and SPM Machine.

UMA ENTERPRISE has Stong and Sound Market all over the India due to its Quality and Precision Work. Is has Marketing over International Market also.

Mr. Pareshbhai has vast Experience on Developing top Class Lathe Machine UMA ENTERPRISE has best Quality of Machines and Skilled Labours.

Performance wise Machinery has all Ready Proved their Efficiency and Gets Repeated Orders.

UMA ENTERPRISE have top class mother Machines Skilled Workers at Rajkot (Gujarat). Mr. Pareshbhai also an Important role for the Maintaining an International Standared in his Lahte Machine Products
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NRI Gujarati Classified