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NRI Gujarati Classified

Lucky Cards Visited : 6701
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Products :Silk Screen Printing, Multi-color Offset Printing, Die Embossing , Leaf Printing, Die Cutting Facilities,Etc....
Contact Address : 9/1864, Balaji Road  Surat, Gujarat India
Phone : 0261-2432089 Cell : +91 98251 49561
Email : prashant_1044@yahoo.co.in Website : http://www.luckyweddingcards.com
Company Profile : After being well established in the Indian market, the company’s corporate vision was to spread its business across the globe and become the market leader in Indian wedding invitations. Subsequently, through exclusive and innovative designs, exquisite quality and a wide range, the products gained acceptance quickly to capture a worldwide audience.

Our success in all parts of the world is mainly due to the high standards of creativity and innovation that we introduce to all our products. Our superior quality surpasses the norms on all counts. Besides this, the firm’s principles to follow ethical business practices and to maintain long term business relationship with the client helped the company to climb the ladder of success and go the extra mile. All these years of experience together with a deep understanding of traditional values and modern trends makes Lucky Cards completely capable of comprehending and elaborating on individual preference / tastes, so as to give each of our clients the ultimate choice for their wedding invitations.
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NRI Gujarati Classified