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NRI Gujarati Classified

Lifestyle Chair Gallery Pvt. Ltd. Visited : 3980
Ads Lifestyle Chair Gallery Pvt. Ltd.
Products :Office Chairs for CEO, Office Sofa, Visitor Sofa, Metal Sofa, perforated Sofa, Mesh Chair, High Back Chair, Revolving Chair, Canteen Furniture, Cafe Chair, Cafe Tables etc...
Contact Address : Plot No. 248, Sector 6, IMT Manesar,  Gurgaon, Haryana India
Phone : +91-124-4367569 Cell : 9990095650 Fax : +91-124-4367571
Email : info@lifestylechairgallery.com Website : http://www.lifestylechairgallery.com
YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/user/workstationchairs
Company Profile : "LIFESTYLE CHAIR GALLERY" A highly upcoming successful Brand in Chairs, Office Chairs, and Office Furniture is now looking for Regional Distributors and Dealers in all regions of India - south / north/ east / West with compromising marketing ability. No Huge investment required..

The company has chartered out a growth plan that will meet the demands of the market place. Be becoming one of our dealers / distributors, you can build your own business and add an additional revenue stream to your existing business by providing your valued customers with our valuable service & branded products. Business owners today need to focus on building their business and keeping their customers smiling.

What does this mean to you? It is a fully loaded opportunity that not only gives you great returns, but also the satisfaction that you play a big role in the networking of the new India. So, if you have a passion for to grow, you are most welcome here.

To partner with "LIFESTYLE CHAIR GALLERY", all you need is

A site area for display our products. preferably facing NH/SH
Capability to provide infrastructure conforming to the Company standards
Outstanding marketing and servicing abilities
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NRI Gujarati Classified