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Classified » Glasses & Frames » Sunglasses in Ahmedabad » Nagar Chasmaghar - Ahmedabad Gujarat India

Nagar Chasmaghar - Ahmedabad Gujarat India Visited : 7402
Ads Nagar Chasmaghar - Ahmedabad Gujarat India
Products :Frames, Lenses, Sunglasses, Contact Lenses etc...
Contact Address : Nr. Municipal Market, C.G.Road,  Ahmedabad, Gujarat India
Phone : 079-26565678
Email : nagarcg@yahoo.com Website : http://www.nagarchasmaghar.net
Company Profile : Nagar Chasmaghar, Literally means city – house of spectacles opened Its 1st showroom on 1st October 1957, i.e. 48 years back by Mr. Jayantibhai A. Patel and Mr. Rameshbhai A. Patel started with old and ancient furniture and display counters and tremendous zeal and on devours towards the modernization, and good public relations, lead towards progress, and the outcome was a second branch opened at P.K.House, near M. J. Library, Ellisbridge, on 1980. The idea was to cover most developing areas of city of Ahmedabad, still the wish of the Directors did not end up, and a 3rd showroom was established on 17th January 1987 on the Main street called C.G. Road. This Showroom was one of the best looking showroom in Ahmedabad, with the comforts awarded to the events and their needs, Modern outlook & facilities Name of ‘Nagar as a family name in the market ‘ not only in Ahmedabad, but in whole Gujarat.

That was once again not the end of the progressive ideas of the directors, which led to opening yet another outlet on the Satellite Road, the posh area of city Ahmedabad. This was the latest showroom with excellent furniture, and excellent Refraction Room, fully lightned and Air – Conditioned, opened on 14th July 1999, inaugurated by the then Chief Minister of Gujarat, Mr. Keshubhai Patel.

"Nagar Chasmaghar" is the first to introduce contact lenses in Gujarat in 1970, When the practicing clinics were started at Baroda, Nadiad, Bhavnagar, Rajkot, Anand , & Surendrangar. Several Young boys & Girls were trained in all the above centers.

Along with the traditional Eye – Cave on Optometry, The Eyes week kept on latest technology in the optometrics. The First “Anto Edgev “instrument was brought in by Nagar. This Instrument cuts the Glasses to the exact size of the frames automatically.

The First Lensometer, which defects the power of the contact lenses and spectacle glasses was brought in Gujarat by “Nagar”.

The Latest Machine known as "Visionex" is used to analyze to the perfection of lenses power, refractive indices and designs of progressive lenses and the fitting patterns.

In short, when you visit any “Nagar Chasmaghar” outlet you will get full satisfaction for your Eye Caves.
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