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Sardhara Engine - Diesel Engine Manufacturer Visited : 8171
Ads Sardhara Engine - Diesel Engine Manufacturer
Products :Lister type & Petter type diesel engine, Water-cooled diesel engine, Twin cylinder diesel engine, Genset,Pumpset
Contact Address : 5/11,AJI INDUSTRIAL AREA, , Rajkot - 360 003 (India)  1, 13 India
Phone : +91 281 2387183 Cell : +91 99138 00555 / 98 Fax : Fax : +91 281 238718
Email : sardharakishan@gmail.com Website : http://www.sardharaengine.com
Company Profile : Sardhara Engine a leading manufacturer of diesel engine with High values, traditions and Principles are established in 1976, is proud to have a nonpareil presence in different sectors, since last Three Decades. We follow famous Gandhian Philosophy“The Customer is always right”. So our transactions are always transparent and authentic. Customer satisfaction and zero defects is our goal.

We Sardhara Engine Manufacturers Since 1976 In The Agriculture Field, Generator Field And In The Construction Field Are The Leading Manufacturers And Suppliers Of High-Speed Petter-Type Air-Cooled And Water-Cooled Diesel Engine From 3.5.Hp To 30.Hp

Sardhara Engine has achieved growth and stability through customer satisfaction. It uses the latest technology combined with a professional and highly skilled staff to achieve it’s rigorous customer goals. We have been issued Quality Certificate Mark, ISI for Lister/ Petter Type Diesel Engines issued by Govt. of India. We are also strict adherers to Quality Standards prevailing in different parts of the world. Our products are tested and built to acclimatize the environment and requirements of the region.

We, At Sardhara Engine Manufacturers, Are Deriving Modern Ways And Innovative Systems To Serve Our Customers In The Best Possible Manners We Are Committed To Excellence - And We Mean It.

We follow famous Gandhian Philosophy “The Customer is always right”. So our transactions are always transparent and authentic. Customer satisfaction and zero defects is our goal. We always strive for Continuous improvement in Quality, Service, Delivery, Technology and Costs Strategies aimed at operational effectiveness and competitive advantage. Sardhara Engine is also committed to the safety of the company's operations, products and environment and, in particular, the health and safety of the employees, customers and public


Kishan Sardhara
Sardhara Engine
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