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NRI Gujarati Classified

Rajwada Tours & Travels Visited : 6316
Ads Rajwada Tours & Travels
Products :Hire a Car, Tour Packages
Contact Address : C-81 I RPA Road, Nehru Nagar, Pani Patch  Jaipur, Rajasthan India
Phone : +91 9829558963 Cell : +91 9829558963
Email : rajwadatravels@gmail.com Website : http://rajasthanholidaytour.com
Company Profile :

We got the opportunity to successfully run several tours and Rajwada Tours & Travels grew steadily with them. Our expertise and understanding about Rajasthan as a destination has been appreciated by all. Most of them were simply amazed how each and every of their specifications about their tours used to be accommodated and executed by our team-members so effortlessly. We started with our motto as Customization is the key to us to grow, to satisfy and feel satisfied. We are proud that we follow this principle to date. Another aspect of ours that has been greatly appreciated is our flexibility during tour operations. In certain cases entire tour circuits were redrawn on request of our guests within unbelievably short notices. I attribute this entirely to the youthful enthusiasm in my team of professionals; innovation and passion run supreme in all.

We also used this period in further refining the quality of our services. Our cars, I must say, are most up to date. Designer’s touch is everywhere from cushions to the specially ordered flower box. Face tissues, towels, magazines, maps; our cars have everything to make long road journeys a pleasure. Since last year we have been training our chauffeurs in interpretation of wayside attractions and it has generated tremendous feedback from our guests. Touts and persistent selling on Indian streets has been one of the common problems faced by the guests.

The practice to adequately warn our guests and issuing of proper dos/don’ts on arrival of guest has already been started by us. This sure is going to show positive results. Most of the problems relate to the services of hotels (even reputed ones); this is the reason that we periodically delete many hotels from our recommended ones and add new ones. Almost all of our guests have recounted their interactions with us as their most enjoyable experiences.

The bonds already formed in regular communications going on for months before the time of travel become permanent friendships by the end of the tours. Needless to say our family of friends is growing very fast!
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NRI Gujarati Classified