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NRI Gujarati Classified
Classified » Forging Industry » SUN FORGE PVT. LTD.

SUN FORGE PVT. LTD. Visited : 7481
Products :Automotive Parts ,Bearing Races etc.
Contact Address : GIDC LODHIKA (METODA)
PLOT NO. G-511/512,
KALAWAD ROAD,  Rajkot, Gujarat India
Phone : +91 2827 287093 Cell : +91 9824042349 Fax : +91 2827 287093
Email : info@sunforgeindia.in Website : http://www.sunforgeindia.com
Company Profile : Founded in 1994, today Sun Forge. ( An ISO-TS 16949:2002 company ) is an advanced metal working company that supplies engineered products and services for Bearing Races & Automotive Components around the world. We are committed to use superior technology to give our customers the best products available. The key feature about our company is to keep pace with technology, thus we provide competitive advantages.

The company under the able leadership of Rajesh Kalaria, has achieved significant milestones in Forging Industry.

We produce extensively customized, highly engineered metalworking solution for advanced OEMs (original equipment manufacturers). We work in close coordination with our clients to provide you the best in Forged Products and satisfy their requirements with our innovative technology.
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NRI Gujarati Classified