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NRI Gujarati Classified
Classified » Brass Industry » Navin Industries - Jamnagar

Navin Industries - Jamnagar Visited : 4295
Ads Navin Industries - Jamnagar
Products :NTM Nozzel, NMD, NMM, XL 54, GANESH, PENCIL, DSDN, F Nozzel ETC.,
Contact Address : 55, Digvijay Plot,  Jamnagar, Gujarat India
Phone : 288-2565826, 2564731 Cell : 098252 12789 Fax : 288-2565411
Email : navinind@sancharnet.in Website : http://www.navinindustries.com
Company Profile : We are pleased to introduce ourselves as a manufacturer of BRASS NOZZLES in various types Since many years to the entire satisfaction of our valued customers. And we are having a large manufacturing unit at Jamnagar city of Gujarat state of India.

It may be interesting to know that we are in this business Since 35 years, and specifically manufacture "NAVIN BRAND" ALL KIND OF AGRICULTURE HAND OPERATED SPRAY PUMP PARTS, SPECIAL NOZZLES and INDUSTRIAL NOZZLES to the entire satisfaction of our valued customers through out the COUNTRY and ABROAD.
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