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NRI Gujarati Classified
Classified » Brass Industry » Raj Laxmi Industries

Raj Laxmi Industries Visited : 3996
Ads Raj Laxmi Industries
Products :Brass Fuse Parts, Brass HRC Fuse Parts Brass Pins & Socket Parts , Brass Turning Components, Brass Switchgear Parts etc..
Contact Address : C-2/98, Shanker Tekri , Udyognagar,  Jamnagar, Gujarat India
Phone : 288 - 2560001 Cell : 98242 99991 Fax : 288 - 2560841
Email : rajlaxmiind@sancharnet.in Website : http://www.rajlaxmiind.com
Company Profile : At Raj Laxmi Industries, commitment to perfection is translated into each one of the pieces of Electrical Parts, Turning Parts, Fasteners, Sheet Cutting Parts, Energy Meter Parts, Brass Electronic Parts, Brass Sanitary Parts, etc., we manufacture every day. A commitment to quality we have nurtured and sustained for 36 years, since we began our journey in 1970.

The initial aim, highest quality soon created good reputation in the market. Company started soon another various Brass Products also and increase the production of Brass Products.
Right now, Raj Laxmi Industries is leading manufacturer of Brass Neutral inks, Fuse Parts, HRC Fuse Parts, Brass Pins & Socket Parts, Brass Turning Parts, Brass Switch Gear Parts, Sheet Cutting Parts, Energy Meter Parts, Brass Electrical Earthing Accessories, Brass Inserts, Brass Washers, Brass Fasteners, Brass Electronic Parts, Brass Sanitary Parts, etc.

Raj Laxmi Industries welcomes importers of Brass Components from different countries and raw material suppliers to share a healthy business relationship.
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NRI Gujarati Classified