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NRI Gujarati Classified
Classified » Agriculture Industry » Agriculture Companies in Gujarat » Ethics Agrotech Pvt. Ltd. - Surat

Ethics Agrotech Pvt. Ltd. - Surat Visited : 2954
Ads Ethics Agrotech Pvt. Ltd. - Surat
Products :Agriculture Project, Greenhouse Crop, Green House Accessories
Contact Address : Ethics Agrotech Private Limited, Block No. 48, Plot NO. K1- K2, Tempogali Road,
Pipodara-GIDC,  Surat, Gujarat India
Phone : 0261-3007660 Cell : +91 7600807845
Email : malaviyapraful1@gmail.com Website : http://www.ethicsagrotech.in
Company Profile :

Ethics Agrotech Pvt. Ltd. (EAPL) is one of leading Greenhouse manufacturer, has wide range of Greenhouses suitable for every type of Crop and Geographical Location. The firm having it’s based in Surat (Gujarat) and in a way to expand its business in international market. We handle turn key projects of Greenhouse, Contract Farming etc.

EAPL is leading company in Agriculture and Horticulture sector. The basic function of the company is development of protected cultivation of various horticultural and floricultural crops in Indian Sub continent. The company is going spread its hands in development of marketing chains for fruits, vegetables, flowers and spices oil and oleoresins throughout Asia and Europe. Presently the company is into manufacturing and erection of various types of Greenhouses and net houses which is a part of protected cultivation.

We, “EAPL” involved in cultivating, importing, trading and supplying a varies range of Agro Products. Hygienically processed and packed, those products are in high demand by our clients and are available at industry leading prices.

Our projects spread all over the country and many successful projects are self explanatory to prove the technical & managerial quality & expertise of Ethics Agrotech Pvt. Ltd. 

At presently we have successfully completed the 100 acres of work.   

We are having our business Networks at national and international level, for the Green house, Irrigation, Automation & Green house Accessories, etc. The firm has successfully set up large number of Green House in very limited period and that is enough to prove the quality, workmen ship & Commitment of Ethics Agrotech Pvt. Ltd.
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