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Classified » Hotels & Resorts » Hotel Anand - Ratnagiri

Hotel Anand - Ratnagiri Visited : 6358
Ads Hotel Anand - Ratnagiri
Products :Restaurant, A/c Non A/c Room, Rent on Car Bus Etc...
Contact Address : Bhatye Sada - Pawas Road,  Ratnagiri, Maharashtra India
Phone : +91 7743869200 Cell : +91 7743869200
Email : hotelanand001@gmail.com Website : http://www.hotelanandratnagiri.com
Company Profile :

We are active in various developing sectors in Ratnagiri since a decade. Along with our business of land development & real estate; we decided to convert our ancestor’s land into a long lasting monument.

After months of discussion, we came to the conclusion of entering into the hospitality industry by establishing a hotel; with facilities of lodging & boarding. As our land located upon Ratnagiri – Pawas tourism way; actual development of our property lasted for 2 years.

Today, immediately after inaugurating ‘Hotel Anand’, we are getting good response from guests from various sectors. With a commitment to serve, we certainly deserve desired merits from Hotel Anand. The day is not far away when ‘Hotel Anand’ will set remarkable success in the history of tourism industry in Ratnagiri.
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NRI Gujarati Classified