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NRI Gujarati Classified

Matrugya - Sidhpur Visited : 4369
Ads Matrugya - Sidhpur
Products :Matrugaya Shraddh Pooja, Tirth Shraddh Pooja, Narayna Bali Shraddh Pooja Etc...
Contact Address : \" Patil Bhavan\" 46 - Tirupati Society, Bindusarovar, Sidhpur - 384151,  Sidhpur, Gujarat India
Phone : +91 8460444518 Cell : +91 9898154194
Email : gaurav_pandya725033@yahoo.com Website : http://www.matrugaya.com
Company Profile :

Sidhpur or ShreeSthal as it was known in the Skanda Puranas is situated on the banks of the Vedic Saraswati. Sidhpur is considered to be the ‘Kashi’ of North Gujarat. Sidhpur has also been described in the Rig Vedas.

Sidhpur is also known as ‘ShreeSthal’ or a "pious place" finds a place in the Rig Veda and was then known as Dashu village. Modern Sidhpur is in Patan district in North Gujarat, India.

Sidhpur and neigboring Unjha are now well known for cultivating 'Jeera' and 'Isabgol'. About the 10th century, under Solanki rulers, the city was at the peak of fame and magnificence.

The ruler Siddhraj Jaisingh built his capital at Sidhpur, thus the name Sidhpur which literally means the town of Siddhraj. He built a temple dedicated to Shiva, Rudra Mahalaya. Rudra Mahalaya was a magnificent Shiva Temple with a three-storeyed 'shikhara', 1600 pillars, 12 entrance doors, central 'mandapa' and porches on east, north and south and sanctum in west. Around the temple, there were 11 shrines of Rudra. The eastern gate was adorned with beautifully carved 'Toran', with a flight of steps leading to the Saraswati River.

During the 12th century Mohammed Ghori destroyed the town Sidhpur on his way to Somnath. Around 30,000 people were killed in the raid, and the Solanki Empire was destroyed. Later Ulugh Khan and Ahmed Shah of Ahmedabad ruthlessly destroyed this magnificent Shiva Temple, in the late 13th century or early 14th century and converted the grand temple into a mosque.
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NRI Gujarati Classified