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Classified » Agriculture Industry » Mini Tractor Manufacturers India » Captain Tractors Pvt. Ltd. - Rajkot

Captain Tractors Pvt. Ltd. - Rajkot Visited : 45297
Ads Captain Tractors Pvt. Ltd. - Rajkot
Products :Automatic Seed Drill, Leveler, Cultivator, Sprayer Pump, M.B. Plough, Trailer, Reaper etc.
Contact Address : 106, Royal Complex, Dhebarbhai Road,  Rajkot, Gujarat India
Phone : 0282 7252547 Fax : 0282 253916
Email : info@captaintractors.com Website : http://www.captaintractors.com
Company Profile : Captain Tractors Pvt Ltd, Previously known as Asha Exim Pvt Ltd, was established in 1994 by the visionary farmer brothers Mr. G.T.Patel and Mr.M.T.Patel of Rajkot. The founders sensed the need of small & medium farmers for farm mechanization and the difficulty faced by them in owning a Regular Tractor.

Obsessed with the determination to bring farm mechanization within the reach of small & medium farmer, who could not otherwise own a Tractor, the duo put in

their all the efforts, skill, knowledge, resources and dream which they saw materialized in the shape of “ Captain DI 2600 Mini Tractor”- first Mini Tractor in India 1998.

Captain Di 2600 Mini Tractor has since then not looked back & went on achieving the important milestone, viz CMFTTI – Budni test report in 2001, NABARD Approval for Bank finance in 2002, included in the list of Ministry of Agri, Government of India for Tractor under Subsidy; ARAI approved for Stage II & ARAI Stage III in 2006, ISO 9001-2000 in 2006. Not only in India but it has started in marketing operation in African country
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