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NRI Gujarati Classified
Classified » Submersible Pumpset & Parts » Falcon Submersibles Pvt. Ltd.

Falcon Submersibles Pvt. Ltd. Visited : 8522
Ads Falcon Submersibles Pvt. Ltd.
Products :V-8 Submersible Pumpets / V-6 Submersible Pumpsets / V-4 Submersible Pumpets / V-3 Special Submersible Pumpets etc.,
Contact Address : 39/4, Vavdi Industrial Area, B/h. Hotel Krishna Park, Gondal Road, N.H. 8-B, Vavdi,  Rajkot, Gujarat India
Phone : 281 2370801 to 804 Fax : 281 2374422
Email : karishma@nrigujarati.co.in Website : http://www.falconsubmersible.com
Company Profile : Falcon Submersible Pvt. Ltd. is a professional and reputed organization engaged in manufacture and export of FALCON brand submersible water pumps, submersible water well pumps, submersible irrigation pumps, irrigation water pumps, stainless steel submersible pumps and pump sets in India. V-8 Submersible Pumps & V-6 Submersible Pumps are hot moving product of company. Since its inception, the company has earned a name for itself on account of its world class quality. Falcon Submersibles is reputed for its ethics, transparency, corporate culture, stakeholder relationships and its contribution to society.

Today Falcon Submersibles is leading manufacturer and exporter of submersible pumps, submersible water pumps, irrigation pumps, open well pumps, monoblock pumps, stainless steel submersible pumps and pump sets in India.

With its credentials, experience & resources at command, Falcon Submersible hold prime & domineering position in the Indian pumps market. The organization is managed by dynamic young professionals with zeal and commitment to customer satisfaction and a pragmatic approach to marketing.

It is the result of its dedicated efforts and quality products that the company has made a mark in its sphere of operation in a short span of time.

Thanks & Regards

Falcon Submersibles Pvt. Ltd.


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NRI Gujarati Classified